
This section only covers instructions specific to the Aravis-Detector plugin. For a general overview of Odin Data frameProcessor plugins please refer to the user and developer guides from the odin documentation.

Plugin Setup#

The Aravis-detector should be loaded first in the FrameProcessor plugin chain. It doesn’t require the use of the frame receiver app as it directly handles buffers from the aravis camera. To load the plugin you can use the following json command:

{   "plugin": {
    "load": {
        "index": "aravis",
        "name": "AravisDetectorPlugin",
        "library": "<Prefix Directory>/lib/"


Here, index refers to the plugin alias for the frame processor and can be treated as a variable name. It will later be used to target the plugin when providing the frame processor with configuration values. The name field must be the same value as the main file name and library field should provide the frame processor with a complete path to the file installed.If you followed the build instructions you should find this in …./odin_camera_driver/prefix/libraries/.

The rest of the plugins can then be connected to the aravis-detector. Odin allows plugins to be connected in a tree structure, where plugins can be chained one to another or multiple plugins can be connected into one. For the default aravis plugin config file the live view and hdf plugins are both directly connected to it, similar to plugins 1 and 3 in the following example:

{   "plugin": {
        "connect": {
            "index": "<other plugin 1>",
            "connection": "aravis"
    "plugin": {
        "connect": {
            "index": "<other plugin 2>",
            "connection": "<other plugin 1>"
    "plugin": {
        "connect": {
            "index": "<other plugin 3>",
            "connection": "<aravis>"

Plugin Configurations#

Different configurations can be passed at start up using the same config file from the setup process. The syntax used is:

{ "aravis":{
        "list_devices": true,
        "compression": "none",
        "dataset": "data",
        "ip_address": ""

The following list is a complete set of available plugin configuration and their aliases:



Default value


Connects to the camera with the specified IP address


Sets the exposure time to the given value in microseconds



Sets the frame rate to the given value in Hz



Sets a limit to the number of buffers acquired in continuos mode. 0 for no limit



Sets the pixel format used by the camera



Sets the camera’s acquisition mode. Not fully implemented



When set to true the camera sends signals when an mage buffers is finished. When set to false the plugin checks for buffers on a regular interval



name of the data set all frames are assigned to

No default


name of the file name all frames are assigned to

No default


compression method used

No default


file path for all temporary files. Currently used by genicam

No default


start camera acquisition of buffers

value is ignored


stop camera acquisition of buffers

value is ignored


lists all genicam devices connected

value is ignored


specifies a number of frames to acquire

deprecated, no default


The recommended way to change plugin configuration is through the use of the odin-control server.

Supported genicam features#

The following features are implemented in the Aravis Plugin:


Plugin support

API implementation


connecting to cameras

Can detect connected cameras and connect using the ip address

Only displays the model name of the camera

Acquisition modes

Only Continuous mode is implemented at the moment

Uses continuous mode only

The number of buffers acquired can be limited through the use of the variable frame_count (Number of frames, on the web GUI). Note: this value sounds similar to the frame_count function in Aravis which sets the number of frames in MultiFrame mode. This is not implemented in the plugin.

Frame rate

Can be set and read

Can be controlled through both the web GUI and arvcli

The plugin will not allow the user to set the frame rate above the hardware limit..

Exposure time

Can be set and read

Can be controlled through both the web GUI and arvcli

Similar to frame rate, the plugin will keep the exposure time within hardware bounds specified in the genicam xml file

Pixel format

Currently the software can read available formats and change them.

Not yet fully implemented

Some formats are not supported because they require further processing (Mono12)


Can be read

Is not displayed in the gui but it can be requested through the cli

Resolution can only be changed through AOI/ROI or Binning which are not yet implemented

XML readout

Automatically saves the XML file when connecting to camera


This feature is mostly useful for trouble shooting. Saves the xml file in the specified temporary folder

Potential Features#

The Aravis library already implements a large set of GenICam features. The following is a list of features that might get added in the future:

  1. Binning/Decimation - groups pixels together to reduce the resolution of the image

  2. ROI/AOI - scan the sensor in a limited region of interest of nxn pixels.

  3. Trigger modes - change between software/ self/ external trigger.

  4. Burst mode - saves images internally, allowing for a faster frame rate over a short period.

  5. Offset - sensor signal cutoff value used to remove noise.

  6. Read out control - changes the delay between frame capture and transfer.