
class AravisDetectorPlugin : public FrameProcessorPlugin#

Public Functions


Constructor for the plugin.

Sets default values, starts the status monitoring thread and logger object Then it logs “AravisDetectorPlugin loaded”

virtual ~AravisDetectorPlugin()#

Class Destructor. Closes the Publish socket.

void process_frame(boost::shared_ptr<Frame> frame)#

Push the frame to the next plugin.

No image processing is done here at the moment


frame[in] - pointer to frame object

void configure(OdinData::IpcMessage &config, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Implements json configurations.

  • config[in] - IpcMessage containing configuration data

  • reply[out] - Response IpcMessage

void requestConfiguration(OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Provides python client with current configuration data in json format.


reply[out] - Response IpcMessage

void status(OdinData::IpcMessage &status)#

Provides python client with current status of the camera in json format.


status – - Response IpcMessage

bool reset_statistics()#

Reset stream statistics.

void status_task()#

Status execution thread for this class.

The thread executes in a continuous loop until the working_ flag is set to false. This thread queries the camera status

void callback_access(ArvStream *stream_temp)#

Provides the callback function with access to acquire_stream_buffer.


stream_temp – pointer to currently used ArvStream object

int get_version_major()#
int get_version_minor()#
int get_version_patch()#
std::string get_version_short()#
std::string get_version_long()#

Public Static Attributes

static const std::string DEFAULT_CAMERA_IP = ""#

Ip address of the current camera.

Default Config Values

Default config values

static const std::string DEFAULT_PIXEL_FORMAT = "Mono8"#

Default pixel encoding.

static const std::string DEFAULT_CAMERA_ID = ""#

Default camera ID.

static const std::string DEFAULT_CAMERA_SERIAL = ""#

Default serial number of camera.

static const std::string DEFAULT_CAMERA_MODEL = ""#

Default camera model.

static const std::string DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = "/"#

Default temporary file path.

static const std::string DEFAULT_DATASET = "data"#

Default data set name.

static const std::string DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "test"#

Default data file name.

static const std::string DEFAULT_AQUISIT_MODE = "Continuous"#

Default acquisition mode.

static const double DEFAULT_EXPOSURE_TIME = 1000.0#

Exposure time in microseconds.

static const size_t DEFAULT_STATUS_FREQ = 1000#

Time between status checks in miliseconds.

static const double DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = 5#

Frame rate in hertz.

static const unsigned int DEFAULT_FRAME_COUNT = 0#

Frame count.

static const int DEFAULT_EMPTY_BUFF = 50#

Number of empty buffers used to initialize the stream.

static const std::string START_STREAM = "start"#

starts continuos mode acquisition


Config names Flags

static const std::string STOP_STREAM = "stop"#

stops continuos mode acquisition

static const std::string LIST_DEVICES = "list_devices"#

list available devices

static const std::string ACQUIRE_BUFFER = "frames"#

acquire an image buffer from the camera

static const std::string READ_CONFIG#

returns config values for the current connected camera

Config names

static const std::string CONFIG_CAMERA_IP = "ip_address"#

set camera IP

Camera name

static const std::string CONFIG_EXPOSURE = "exposure_time"#

set exposure time in microseconds

Camera config

static const std::string CONFIG_FRAME_RATE = "frame_rate"#

set frame rate in hz

static const std::string CONFIG_FRAME_COUNT = "frame_count"#

set frame count

static const std::string CONFIG_PIXEL_FORMAT = "pixel_format"#

set pixel encoding Mono8/ 12bit/ etc

static const std::string CONFIG_ACQUISITION_MODE = "acquisition_mode"#

set the camera acquisition mode: “Continuous”, “SingleFrame”,”MultiFrame”

static const std::string CONFIG_CALLBACK#

Choose weather to activate the Aravis callback mechanism for frame acquisition.

static const std::string CONFIG_STATUS_FREQ = "status_frequency_ms"#

set the status polling frequency in miliseconds

static const std::string CONFIG_EMPTY_BUFF = "empty_buffers"#

number of empty buffers in a stream object

static const std::string CONFIG_CAMERA_ID = "camera_id"#

camera’s manufacturer id

static const std::string CONFIG_CAMERA_SERIAL = "camera_serial_number"#

camera’s serial number

static const std::string CONFIG_CAMERA_MODEL = "camera_model"#

camera’s model

static const std::string DATA_SET_NAME = "data_set_name"#

name of data set used in frame creation

Names and settings

static const std::string FILE_NAME = "file_name"#

file name used in frame creation

static const std::string COMPRESSION_TYPE = "compression"#

compression type used

static const std::string TEMP_FILES_PATH = "file_path"#

a location to store temporary files like camera xml

Frame creation

Private Functions

void log_error(std::string msg, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Send errors to the frame processor and set the Ipc reply.

void log_error(std::string msg)#

Overload for simple error logs.

void log_warning(std::string msg, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Send warning to the frame processor and set the Ipc reply.

void log_warning(std::string msg)#

Overload for simple warning logs.

void get_config(int32_t get_option)#

Populates config variables.

This function gets called periodically to set config variables that can be accessed by read_config.


get_option – (int32_t): 0- all, 1- Camera init routine, 2- Camera parameter check, 3- Stream statistics, Others: error

void set_file_name(std::string file_id, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Change file name.

  • file_id – string

  • reply – ipc message log

void set_file_path(std::string new_file_path, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Change file path.

  • new_file_path – string. checked to be valid

  • reply – ipc message log

void set_dataset_name(std::string data_set_name, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Change data set name.

  • data_set_name – string

  • reply – ipc message log

void set_compression_type(std::string compression_type, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Change compression type used.

  • compression_type – string

  • reply – ipc message log

void set_status_poll_frequency(size_t new_frequency, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Change status polling frequency.

  • status_freq_ms – size_t, in miliseconds

  • reply – ipc message log

void connect_aravis_camera(std::string ip, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Connects to a camera using the ip address.

Can in theory work with any of the following names:

  • <vendor>-<model>-<serial>

  • <vendor_alias>-<serial>

  • <vendor>-<serial>

  • <user_id>

  • <ip_address>

  • <mac_address>

The function checks for the number of devices connected. If it’s zero it logs an error. If not then it replaces the camera object with a new camera connection. Reports back if it was successful or not.


ip_string – std::string of ip address

void check_connection()#

check that camera is still connected

void find_aravis_cameras(OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Checks for available devices.

Displays in the console a list of all available cameras in the format:

[unsigned int] cameras were detected: Device index [int] has the id [str] and address [str]

void get_camera_serial()#

Get serial of the current connected camera.

Saved to camera_serial_

void get_camera_id()#

Get id of the current connected camera.

Saved to camera_id_

void set_acquisition_mode(std::string acq_mode, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Set acquisition mode for camera.


acq_mode – std::string = one of the following: “Continuous”, “SingleFrame”,”MultiFrame”

void get_acquisition_mode()#

Get current acquisition mode.

Saves acquisition_mode_ as one of the following: “Continuous”, “SingleFrame”,”MultiFrame”

void set_exposure(double exposure_time_us, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Set exposure time in microseconds.

On success prints: Setting exposure time to <exposure_time_us> On failure: When setting exposure time the following error ocurred: <error.message()>



void get_exposure_bounds()#

Get exposure time bounds in microseconds Saves the values to min_exposure_time_ and max_exposure_time_.

void get_exposure()#

Get exposure time in microseconds.

On success prints: Saves the value to exposure_time_us_ On failure: When reading exposure time the following error ocurred: <error.message()>

void set_frame_rate(double frame_rate_hz, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Set frame rate in hertz.

Checks that it fits within the minimum and maximum frame rate.

On success prints: Setting frame rate to <frame_rate_hz> On failure: When setting frame rate the following error ocurred: <error.message()>


frame_rate_hz – number of frames per second

void get_frame_rate_bounds()#

Read frame rate bounds from the camera Saves the values to min_frame_rate_ and max_frame_rate.

void get_frame_rate()#

Get frame rate in hertz.

On success prints: Saves frame rate value to frame_rate_hz_ On failure: When reading frame rate the following error ocurred: <error.message()>

void set_pixel_format(std::string pixel_format, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Set pixel format.

use read_config() to see which pixel formats are supported


pixel_format – string representation of the format (eg, Mono8, Mono12, RGB8)

void get_available_pixel_formats()#

Get a list of available pixel formats.

the list is saved as a string with the values indexed and a separated by newline, eg: #1 Mono8 #2 Mono12 #3 RGB8

Saved in available_pixel_formats_

void get_pixel_format()#

Get currently used pixel format from the camera.

The pixel format is saved in pixel_format_ variable as a string

void get_frame_size()#
void start_stream(OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Creates a stream object and starts camera acquisition.

This function does the following (in the order displayed):

  • Checks camera is connected

  • Deletes any previous stream objects

  • Initializes a new stream

  • Checks for errors

  • Adds buffers

  • starts camera acquisition and the buffer reading function

void stop_stream(OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Stop acquisition and destruct stream.

use when Ipc Messages are required (config) otherwise use auto_stop_stream


reply – Ipc Message from config

void auto_stop_stream()#

Stops stream without ipc message.

Identical to stop_stream but without a reply.

void set_frame_count(unsigned int frame_count, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Sets maximum number of frames taken in stream mode.


frame_count – unsigned int: frame limit

void set_empty_buffers(int n_empty_buffers, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

Sets maximum number of frames taken in stream mode.


n_empty_buffers – unsigned int: frame limit

void acquire_n_buffer(unsigned int n_buffers, OdinData::IpcMessage &reply)#

processes a fixed number of buffers

void acquire_buffer()#

Captures a frame buffer.

bool buffer_is_valid(ArvBuffer *buffer)#

Captures one frame buffer from a continuos stream.

Checks the buffer for errors and sends it to the frame processor if it is ok.

Essentially calls arv_buffer_get_status and sends the result through a switch

void process_buffer(ArvBuffer *buffer)#

Changes buffer object to DataBlockFrame object pointer.

void get_stream_state()#

Saves information about the stream_.

Saves the number of input and output buffers as well as the number of successful, failed and underrun buffers to their respective class variables.

void save_genicam_xml(std::string filepath)#

Saves the xml file from camera_ into filepath/serial-number.xml.

DataType pixel_format_to_datatype(std::string pixel_form)#

Translates from the available pixel format to datatype.

TODO: add support for more pixel formats





Private Members

LoggerPtr logger_#

Pointer to logger object for displaying info in terminal.

boost::thread *thread_#

Pointer to status thread.

bool working_#

Is the status thread working?

bool streaming_#

Is the camera streaming data?

bool camera_connected_#

is the camera connected?

size_t status_freq_ms_ = {DEFAULT_STATUS_FREQ}#

delay between config queries in milliseconds

std::string temp_file_path_ = {DEFAULT_FILE_PATH}#

temporary file path for

ArvCamera *camera_#

Pointer to ArvCamera object.

int connected_devices_ = {0}#
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> available_cameras_#

camera index (camera id, ip address)

std::string camera_id_ = {DEFAULT_CAMERA_ID}#

camera device id

std::string camera_serial_ = {DEFAULT_CAMERA_SERIAL}#

camera serial number

std::string camera_address_ = {DEFAULT_CAMERA_IP}#

camera address

std::string camera_model_ = {DEFAULT_CAMERA_MODEL}#

camera model

double exposure_time_us_ = {DEFAULT_EXPOSURE_TIME}#

current exposure time in microseconds

double min_exposure_time_ = {}#

minimum exposure time in microseconds

double max_exposure_time_ = {}#

maximum exposure time in microseconds

double frame_rate_hz_ = {DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE}#

current frame rate in hertz, default to 5

double min_frame_rate_ = {}#

minimum frame rate in hertz

double max_frame_rate_ = {}#

maximum frame rate in hertz

unsigned int n_pixel_formats_ = {}#

total number of pixel formats

std::string available_pixel_formats_ = {}#

a set of available pixel formats in string form

std::string pixel_format_ = {DEFAULT_PIXEL_FORMAT}#

current pixel format

std::string acquisition_mode_ = {DEFAULT_AQUISIT_MODE}#

string describing current camera mode: “Continuous”, “SingleFrame”,”MultiFrame”

size_t payload_ = {}#

frame size in bytes

unsigned int frame_count_ = {DEFAULT_FRAME_COUNT}#

current frame count in MultiFrame mode

ArvStream *stream_#

Pointer to ArvStream object. For continuos frame acquisition.

DataType data_type_#

currently used data_type

CompressionType compression_type_#

currently used compression type

std::string data_set_name_ = {DEFAULT_DATASET}#

name of the data set the plugin is writing to

std::string file_id_ = {DEFAULT_FILE_NAME}#

name of the file the plugin is writing to

int image_data_offset_ = {0}#

size of buffer metadata (usually none)

long long n_frames_made_ = {0}#

Number of frames created from buffers.

int n_empty_buffers_ = {DEFAULT_EMPTY_BUFF}#

number of empty buffers to initialise the current stream with. Defaults to 50

int n_input_buff_ = {0}#

n of input buffers in the current stream

int n_output_buff_ = {0}#

n of output buffers in the current stream

long unsigned int n_completed_buff_ = {0}#

n of successful buffers

long unsigned int n_failed_buff_ = {0}#

n of failed buffers

long unsigned int n_underrun_buff_ = {0}#

n of buffers overwritten (stream ran out of empty buffers)

unsigned long long image_height_px_ = {0}#

image height in pixels

unsigned long long image_width_px_ = {0}#

image width in pixels

std::vector<unsigned long long> frame_dimensions_#

image dimensions for frame creation